Saturday, October 20, 2012

Taking a Moment to Brag, Just Because I Can

The past several months as I've been preparing for the birth of my first baby, I've had a lot of time to spend scrolling through pintrest and tagging my favorite things.  I've come across everything from recipes to how to best organize my shoes, but there are some posts I continually see that I never end up pinning, and these are the posts on "how to make your marriage better."  I guess bragging isn't the best way to put it.  The best way to put it would be to say that I am very blessed, and I am so grateful for it. 

A little over a year and a half ago I married my best friend for time and all eternity in the Rexburg, Idaho temple, and it was by far the best day of my life.  I was excited to get married, but I also had the worries of how long it would take before our first real argument, or how long it would be until we "drifted apart."  I know it's only been a year and a half, and that we haven't faced the new trials that will come with having a child quite yet, but I'm happy to report that every time I read thorugh a sugestion pin on Pinterest on how to make a marriage better, I can honestly say that Erik and I already do all that is suggested, and I'm so grateful for that.

We communicate, we laugh, we disagree, and we forgive one another.  We realize that neither of us is perfect, and that we have flaws.  We know that at times we need to say we're sorry and that we were wrong, but we both do so and take responsibiltiy for our mistakes.  We spend time together whenever we can.  We hold hands whenever we get the opportunity, and we are constantly reminding the other of how much we love each other and how happy we are that we are fighting this life battle together.

It's been a scary eight months.  Moving out to Illinois and preparing for our first child has not been easy on us, but it has brought us closer together and has shown us even more why we love each other.  Every day we seem to teach one another something new, and when things get really hard, we just grab the other's hand, and push on through it.  We have still managed to find time to go on small dates, on walks, or even just drive to target to walk around together.  We know that these oportunites will soon be much harder to come by once our little one gets here, so we are taking advantage.  We never yell at each other, and we are willing to admit when we make mistakes and then we move on together, hand in hand.

The day you get married many things happen and it's impossible to remember them all, but the one thing I do remember the most and very vividly, is right before our sealing ceremony, when the sealer sat us down in front of all of our friends and family, and asked us three questions.  He asked, 
-Is this the right person?
-Is this the right place?
-Is this the right time?
I remember the peace I felt as Erik an I calmly and honestly answered yes to all three.  The past few days I've reflected on that experience, and have been reminded that once again, these three questions are the key.  It is worth waiting for the right person in your life no matter how long it takes to find them if it means that you can answer "yes" to all three of these questions.  Find the right person, make sure you marry in the right place, and make sure that it is done at the right time.  If you do, you will truly find happiness, and no matter how hard life gets, you will never regret making that decision.

A little over a year and a half ago I knew that I loved Erik, but as I compare those feeling of love to the feelings that I feel for him now, I can't explain how they have strengthened, and I can't imagine how much more they are going to strengthen within the next coming years.

So why post about this?  Because I'm grateful.  Grateful for amazing parents who raised me and taught me about the values to look for in a husband.  Grateful for in-laws who raised a worthy son of God who had been taught the same values, and grateful for the man in my life who has chosen to experience with me every hardship that life throws our way, and for the friend that he is to me.  Every time I read a "pin" about strengthening one's marriage, I say a small prayer of gratitude for Erik Miller, and for the marriage that we share.  I love you Erik, and forever will.
