Monday, September 17, 2012

The Best Baby Shower Ever!

So on Saturday September 15th my visiting teachers put on a BEAUTIFUL baby shower for me, Erik, and little Elijah.  I was shocked at how many women from my ward here in Naperville came to support us!  It was amazing, so I'm going to post all about it now!

The decorations were spectacluar, the food was great, and the company was perfect!

 Here the women are filling out games, we had two sheets of paper to fill out, one with random pregnancy facts and the other with incomplete nursery rhymes, our job was to complete them

 The lady in pink is Denise, she was the master mind behind the shower

There's also a lady in my ward who bakes and decorates cakes profesionaly, and she made these adorable cupcakes for the shower!
After the nursery rhyme game and the random pregnancy facts game we played an awesome game involving candy bars.  The idea is that the person in charge says a few words that are synonyms for different kinds of candy!  Here are a few
baby laughs-snickers
triplets-three musketeer
epidural-life saver
umbilical chord-red vines
sweet children-sugar babies
labor and delivery-rocky road
boys names-mike and ike/heath
women-hot tamale
hospital bill-100 grand
college tuition-payday
 there were a lot more but I can't think of them right now, but it was a great game!  Whoever guessed the candy right got the candy bar.  It was awesome!
After the games it was time for the gifts, and holy cow were Elijah, Erik, and I spoiled!!
This is the pile before I started

 This is a penguin bowling kit!!!!
 This book is Cristina Katerina and the box, one of my ultimate favorites from my childhood, and it's impossible to find!  Impossible for everyone except my mother in law of course!!!!!!

 The diaper genie.  This was also from my in-laws Kevin and Heidi.  It will be nice to have so that we don't share the lovely diaper smell with the whole house!

The next gift made me cry!  My amazing husband Erik was very sneaky and got a present to the shower from him, I was so emotional about it!  This is what he got!
It is so cute!!!!!!  Can't wait to put our little man in it!!!!
This was my face throughout most of the shower, I was so happy and overcome with gratitiude for my amazing friends and ward!!!!
And no blog about a baby shower is complete without a picture of the belly!!!! 

Another amazing thing about the shower is that my dear friend Lisle Bates drove down from Detroit to be there for it!  There are no pictures of her because she was manning the camera, but she definitely deserves an honorable mention!  It was a wonderful day, and I send out a BIG thanks to all who made it possible!!!!!



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