Sunday, September 29, 2013

This is Happiness

At the beginning of September my sister-in-law and brother-in-law were able to come for a visit from France where they are living to receive their master's degrees.  Although their stay was short, way too short, we did find time to have family photos taken.  The last photos we had of all of us were at their wedding, which was in August of 2011.  The photographer we picked for the most recent photo shoot was PHENOMENAL, and here's why.  Just check out some of these shots.

But out of all of these, here is my absolute most favorite, and the reason for the title of this post

For this, my friends, is true happiness.  Sure we have our trials, sure things aren't perfect in our lives, but we have each other, and we are a family, and for that, I am eternally grateful.  Thanks Erik and Elijah for continuing to give me such a good reason to stay strong, and find happiness.  I love you both!

Lacey Miller

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