Thursday, July 5, 2012

Baby Feet

Today I was folding some laundry when I came to the new little socks that Heidi got on clearance for our little Elijah William.  It amazes me how small they are!

As you can see though, we've already had a run-in with the sock monster, the bottom sock on the right is already missing it's match, we hope we find it soon!

As cute as these socks are, as I looked at them I began to get a little worried.  For those of you who know me really well will know that I don't have regularly sized feet.  The actual foot part is normal sized, but my toes is where we meet the problem.  Those in my family "lovingly" refer to them as finger toes, and sadly their not far off.  My second toe is actually longer than my big toe, and the worst part is at my last ultra sound the technician actually got a real good close up of Elijah's feet, and she commented on the size of his toes!!!!  It was awful!  So sadly the poor child will be stuck with my feet, but at least he is a boy and they make boy shoes in all sizes.

After finding the cute socks, Heidi and I also hit up a store called H&M and they had some boy clothes on clearance, so we stocked up on a few more!

All of these minus the monkey jump suit on the right were all under seven dollars!  The monkey jump suit was going to be a Christmas Gift from Grandma Heidi, but she ordered it with some new shoes for Kevin, and Kevin was so excited to get his shoes that he opened the box, and Erik saw the jump suit so we got it early.

I picked this one out especially for Erik.  Underneath the monkey it says "Daddy & Me"  Erik is so excited to be having a little boy that I couldn't resist!

Needless to say we are both very excited to welcome our first son here! Erik is even beginning to feel a little bit of Elijah when he moves which is really fun for him.  It's such a huge blessing for us to be able to have this opportunity to have a child.  Many times I look at our situation and wonder "why now?"  But I know that it is all in God's plan and that it will all work out in the end.  I'm so excited to be a new mommy and to have a little spirit of my Heavenly Father to take care of!  It's going to be great!

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