Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So I've decided that since I don't have a whole lot to do during the days that I am going to fight my way through figuring out how on earth to get a blog up and working.  As I've looked at others I guess the first thing I should do is say a little bit about myself, but then again the only people who will be reading this are those who already know me, so maybe I'll just start updating.  We'll see how it goes.


  1. let me know if you want some help on basic coding and blog designing etc. I can help :) I've built basically everything on my own blog. check it out

    1. Caitlin, that would be great, I'm so lost but want a blog so bad! How would you recommend teaching me? Email or what? Thanks!

    2. whichever works best for you! my email is on my about page, if you have skype we could chat (IM or facetime) that way and I could send you files via email or skype. just let me know! :D
