Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Well the introduction looks good so I guess So I'll continue.  Here goes

4th of July

Our 4th of July celebration started last night when Katherine, Andrew, and Andrew's little sister Amanda came over to spend the night.  Just my luck though, I've come down with a cold and haven't been much of a party animal. :(  This morning we woke up and went to see the new Spiderman movie.  It was a good show and we all enjoyed it.  After the credits rolled I was really not feeling well so we came home and while Kevin fired up the grill and the others began preparing lunch, I laid down in the bedroom for twenty minutes or so.  When the burgers were ready I zombie walked to the kitchen where we enjoyed a meal of homemade burgers with watermelon, corn on the cob, chips and dip, and a strawberry/blueberry yellow cake for dessert.  After dessert Katherine, Andrew, and Amanda headed back home to the city and I went back to bed.  Erik had to watch the movie "12 Angry Men" for a class so I watched/dozed through the movie with him.  After that Kevin, Heidi, Erik and I broke out some games and played for a bit.  Now I am just waiting for it to get late enough to crawl back into bed and hopefully sleep my cold away.

It's really hard having a cold when I'm pregnant.  The only medication my OB said I'm allowed to take is Tyenol and Sudafed, and although the tyenol is working great on my headache, the Sudafed isn't doing much for my runny/stuffy nose and as a result I have a nice red swollen nose, but that is how it goes I guess.  

I'm also realizing as I type this that I don't take near enough pictures.  I would love to post one now of our day but don't have one, I'll have to get better at that.

So that was our celebration, small, but very fun.  Now we're just hoping that I can feel better. :)  

Well thanks to all who read, hopefully I'll get better at this as time goes on. :)


1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love you! It was a fun day (minus the sick part)
